The Holcomb Tree Trail to the east of Simsbury Road continues to develop and grow, thanks to the enduring commitment of our volunteers. Here’s Eric Lukingbeal’s report from October 16th:
It was a perfect day for working outside, with light winds and no rain. Six trees were planted, staked and caged with hardware cloth. The six are: two Carolina Silverbell cultivars (UConn Wedding Bells and Jersey Belle) two Sourwoods, one Redbud cultivar (Rising Sun) and one Heritage River Birch. Four oaks were also planted last week. Many thanks to the new volunteers: Amy and Jesse Eisler, Josh Anderson and partner Nicole, Fran Brady, and 10-year-old Max Swiniarski of East Hartland. The usual crew of Walter Ford, Jack and Peggy Lareau, Shirley Murtha, and David Desiderato showed up as well. We now have a pretty good seed bank of planting experience.